The 2019 Patient Safety Conference will take place at the National Conference Centre on 11th June
Stay ahead of industry hot topics and discuss how to prevent problems before they become unmanageable
Explore the leading edge of science and technology in the exhibition hall. Browse the exhibition, learn about scientific advances in equipment and devices
Connect (and reconnect) with colleagues and network with healthcare professionals from across the UK
In December 2018 NHSI announced a consultation on Patient Safety as part of the 10-year plan. In the Spring of 2019, NHSI will publish the consultations taken for a new national Patient Safety Strategy that will be part of the NHS Long Term Plan. In June in Birmingham, we will announce the plans for local delivery and steps for implementation.
In healthcare systems all over the world there are times when things go tragically wrong. We all understand that healthcare is a people business, and that with the very best intentions anything involving people is liable to human error.
Improving safety is about reducing risk, minimising mistakes and establishing the necessary checks and balances. It is also the evolution of a 70year old free of charge at the point of access national service to a 24/7 seamless provision.
The NHS has embarked on a journey to become one of the safest healthcare systems in the world. In England over the last 4 years improvements have been achieved. We have had a complete overhaul of CQC standards, and comprehensive inspections of all trusts, as well as primary care providers.
Patient safety is also a main driver in achieving cost savings and efficiencies across the whole health economy.
We have seen the introduction of the new protections for those who raise concern and whistleblow, which means that the NHS is now more transparent. There are now Patient Safety Collaboratives, each established and led locally delivering stakeholder owned improvement programmes.
The NHS approach to patient safety is widely recognised as world-leading and their continuous work with national and international partners ensures continued improvement which will benefit patients.
The “Patient Safety 2019” conference with the input of leading quality and safety experts will look at what needs to be done over the coming years to improve even further.
Topics covered on the day will include, Leadership, Change Management, Preventing HAI’s, Never Events and Reducing Medication Error. There will also be a progress report on the Patient Safety Incident Management system (PSIMS) which in April 2018 completed the Alpha phase and is about to move into the Beta stage of development.
Join over 400 healthcare professionals to drive this agenda forward through innovation and sharing best practice.
- Clinical Directors
- Medical Director
- Director of Quality and Clinical
- Directors of Nursing
- Assistant Director of Nursing
- Consultant Surgeon
- Head of Patient Safety
- Head of Quality Assurance
- Theatre Managers
- Assistant Theatre Managers
- Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)
- Assistant Theatre Practitioner (ATP)
- Theatre Lead
- Theatre Nurses
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Please note: All AFPP members will be prompted to enter their unique registration code provided by AFPP before booking a ticket.
If you are yet to receive your code, please contact our conference team directly on the details below.
Tel: 0161 696 4868
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Ticket Includes:
Access to all Main Plenary Presentations & Workshops
Keynote speakers presenting on the latest initiatives
Morning Coffee, Lunch Buffet and Afternoon Coffee Provided
Access to Exhibitor Hall
Networking opportunities to meet 400 Healthcare colleagues from across the UK, Europe and the world
CPD Certified
Ticket Includes:
Access to all Main Plenary Presentations & Workshops
Keynote speakers presenting on the latest initiatives
Morning Coffee, Lunch Buffet and Afternoon Coffee Provided
Access to Exhibitor Hall
Networking opportunities to meet 400 Healthcare colleagues from across the UK, Europe and the world
CPD Certified
Ticket Includes:
Access to all Main Plenary Presentations & Workshops
Keynote speakers presenting on the latest initiatives
Morning Coffee, Lunch Buffet and Afternoon Coffee Provided
Access to Exhibitor Hall
Networking opportunities to meet 400 Healthcare colleagues from across the UK, Europe and the world
CPD Certified
"Mandatory for all hospital theatres to evacuate diathermy tissue smoke plume"
In 2007, smoking was banned in the UK. In operating theatres, we are still '"smoking" because some consultants are reluctant to use this technology.This continues to put perioperative staff and patients at risk of breathing in smoke which contains many harmful compounds including hydrogen cyanide.